Adjectives い and な and their conjugation + To like and to dislike + Adjectival clauses


Nihongo o manabu no wa tanoshii desu ga, chotto muzukashii.
Learning Japanese is fun, but a bit difficult.


It's time to learn adjectives!

There are 2 types of adjectives in Japanese.
You have the い-adjectives and the な-adjectives.

They are easy to notice.

おいし (delicious)
むずかし (hard, difficult)
やす (cheap)
かわい (cute)
たか (high, expensive)
こわ (frightening)

かんたん (simple, easy)
しずか (quiet)
べんり (practical)
きれい (pretty, clean, neat)
にぎやか (lively)
じょうず (skilled)
へた (not skilled)


い-adjectives will be conjugated a bit like verbs. 

In the present form, they stay the same.

い + です

Professor Terada is nice.
Terada-sensei wa yasashii desu.

Professor Terada is a nice person. 
Terada-sensei wa yasashii hito desu.

In the negative form, い-adjectives will lose their final い and it will be replaced with くないです.

く + ないです

This curry is not good (delicious).
Kono karee wa oishikunai desu.

Karaoke is noisy, it isn't fun.
Karaoke ga urusai desu kara, amari tanoshikunai desu.

In the past form, い-adjectives will lose their い and will be replaced by かったです.

Yesterday was fun.
Kinou tanoshikatta desu.

Reina, your cake was very delicious. Thank you.
Reina no keeki wa oishikatta desu. Arigatou.

In the past negative, い-adjectives will lose their い and will be replaced by くなかったです.

く + なかったです

That play was not really interesting, was it?
Ano geki wa zenzen omoshirokunakatta desu ne...

Remember ほしいです and 〜たいです? They are conjugated like い-adjectives.

The case of いい (good)

いい behaves differently than other い-adjectives.

It is good.
Ii desu.

This isn't good.
Yokunai desu.

It was good.
Yokatta desu.

It wasn't good.
Yokunakatta desu.

いい becomes よ in other forms.


な-adjectives are a little easier to handle.
When the adjective is before a noun, it retains its final part な. If it is in front of a verb, it loses it.

Sakura-chan is an energetic child.
Sakura-chan wa genkina kodomo desu.

Sakura-chan is energetic.
Sakura-chan wa genki desu.

For the な-adjectives, if you want to transform them into the negative, the past or past negative, you only need to conjugate the verb です.

Grouping two or more adjectives

If you want to group two い-adjectives or a い-adjective followed by a な-adjective, 
the first い-adjective will become くて.

Sakura is nice and cute.
Sakura wa yasashikute, kawaii desu.

Sakura is cute and energetic.
Sakura wa kawaikute, genki desu.

If you want to group three or more い-adjectives, all い-adjectives, but the last one, will take this form.

Sakura is cute, nice and wonderful!
Sakura wa kawaikute, yasashikute, suteki desu!

If you want to group two な-adjectives, or add a い-adjective, the first な-adjective will take で.

Sakura-chan is energetic and pretty today.
Sakura-chan wa kyou genki de, kirei desu.

Sakura-chan is a pretty and nice person.
Sakura-chan wa kirei de, yasashii hito desu.

In the case of the negative for a chain of adjectives, for the い-adjectives, all adjectives, but the last one, will take くなくて.
For the な-adjectives, all adjective, but the last one, will turn into じゃなくて.

It wasn't interesting, nor great.
Omoshirokunakute, suteki janai desu.

This is nor clean, nor practical.
Kirei janakute, benri janai desu.

*Some adjectives do not exist in Japanese. For instance, to say that someone is smart, we will instead say 'their head is good' which means they are intelligent.

He is intelligent.
Atama ga ii desu.

Some constructions are also more natural than others. To say, for example, that someone has great teeth, in English, you will use the verb 'to have'. But in Japanese, we will use the verb 'to be'.

Sakura-chan has good teeth.
Sakura-chan wa ii ha desu.

This can sound weird to English people, but for Japanese, it sounds more natural than, say, 
(Sakura-chan wa ii ha ga arimasu.)

Some other sentences with adjectives:

You are good at Japanese!
Nihongo ga jouzu desu ne!

I am quite bad at skiing...
Sukii ga heta desu.

To say that you are scared of something, we will use this construction instead:

Spiders are scary (I am afraid of spiders).
Kumo ga kowai desu.

I am not really scared of the dark (the dark is not really scary).
Makkura wa amari kowakunai desu.

Thus, adjectives are really useful in Japanese, because they can act as verbs as well, such as 'to be scared of', 'to like', 'to dislike' or 'want'.

To like and to dislike

To express what we like and what we dislike, we will use the words すき and きらい, which are adjectives. They are な-adjectives. Since these are adjectives, we will use this construction:

NOUN + が + すき/きらいです
VERB (inf.) + のが(は)+ すき/きらいです

I like cats.
Neko ga suki desu.

I don't like spicy food.
Karai mono ga kirai desu.

You can also add だい in front of すき or きらい to mean 'like very much' or 'hate very much'.

I love my brother.
Oniichan ga daisuki desu.

I hate sharks.
Same ga daikirai desu.

I like playing video games.
Geemu o suru no ga suki desu.

I hate cooking.
Ryouri o suru no ga kirai desu.

The の after the verbs is a nominalizer that will turn verbs into nouns. You remember こと in しゅみはゲームをすることです? We said that こと was a nominalizer. Well, の is also a nominalizer.

You can get more information about nominalizers in this article Use of こと (koto) and の (no) as nominalizers + Use of さすが (sasuga) and はず (hazu).

Now, you can ask people what their favourite/least favourite things are!

What is your favourite animal?
Sukina doubutsu wa nan desu ka?

My favourite animal is the sheep.
Watashi no sukina doubutsu wa hitsuji desu.

What is your least favourite food?
Kiraina tabemono wa nan desu ka?

My least favourite food is kon'yaku.
Watashi no kiraina tabemono wa kon'yaku desu.

To put any of these in the negative, past or past negative, you simply have to conjugate the verb です, like we saw with な-adjectives.

Since we learned the adjectives, I will give you a list of adjectives to study:

かわいい - cute
みぐるしい - ugly
たかい - high, expensive
ひくい - low
ながい - long
みじかい - short
やすい - cheap
きれいな - pretty, clean
きたない - dirty, messy
おいしい - delicious
まずい - bad (taste)
おもしろい - interesting, funny
つまらない - boring
おおきい - big
ちいさい - small
とおいい - far
ちかい - close
いい - good
わるい - bad
いろいろな - different, varied
むずかしい - hard
たいへんな - difficult
かんたんな - simple, easy
うるさい - loud
しずかな - quiet
あかるい - bright
くらい - dark
はやい - fast
おそい - slow
おもい - heavy
かるい - light
つよい - strong
よわい - weak 
ふるい - old
わかい - young
やさしい - nice
いじわるい - mean
ひろい - wide
せまい - narrow
すてきな - wonderful
かっこいい - cool
かたい - hard (to the touch)
やわらかい - soft (to the touch)
いろ - colour
あおい - blue
あかい - red
くろい - black
しろい - white
みどり - green
ちゃいいろ - brown
きいろ - yellow
ピンク - pink
むらさき - violet, purple
はいいろ - grey
オレンジ - orange


Adjectival clauses

We will learn something that will expand your grammar after learning about adjectives. 

Clauses can also somewhat be adjectives, so we will learn things like 'the woman who drinks too much' or 'the boy with black hair'.

In Japanese, we have to reverse these words. If we want to say, for instance, 'the woman who drinks too much', we will have to say 'drink too much woman'.

The woman who drinks too much
Nomisugiru onna

のみすぎる means 'to drink too much' and おんな is 'woman'.

We can also conjugate the verb. Let's say we want to say 'the woman who drank too much':

The woman who drank too much
Nomisugita onna

のみすぎた means 'drank too much'. It is conjugated in the casual past.

Let's see another conjugation.

The girl who is drinking sake
Osake o nondeiru onna no ko

おさけ is 'alcohol' or 'sake', を is the particle, のんでいる is 'to be drinking' 
and おんなのこ is 'girl'.

For verbs, we only need to conjugate the sentence and add the noun.

The cat who doesn't speak
Shaberinai neko

The dog who didn't bark
Hoenakatta inu

For nouns, such as 'the boy with long hair', we will also reverse the words and use the particle の.

The boy with long hair
Nagai kami no otoko no ko

ながい is 'long', かみ is 'hair', の is the particle and おとこのこ is 'boy'.

The woman with the red lips
Akai kuchibiru no onna

Let's write some sentences with adjectival clauses.

The turtle that walked slow won.
Osoku aruita kame ga kachimashita.

The rabbit that ran fast lost.
Hayaku hashitta usagi ga makemashita.

The girl with the short skirt is looking at me.
Mijikai sukaato no onna wa watashi o mitsumeteimasu.


You have completed lesson 12!

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