Seems to feel like 〜がる (〜garu) + Explanatory feel 〜んです、〜んだ (〜ndesu, 〜nda) + Want something to happen 〜てほしい (〜te hoshii)


Manga o yometainda.
It's because I want to be able to read manga.

Seems to feel like

We saw in an earlier lesson how to say it seems like, sounds like or looks like with adjectives. 
There is another form we haven't seen yet, and it is い-adjectives + がる. This construction is used if you want to say that somebody seems to be in a certain state. This is you stating that you think someone is experiencing something, not stating a fact, so be careful to not mix this form with 〜そう or みたい.

To describe how we feel, we use adjectives to do so. However, to describe how someone else might feel, using the adjective is not enough. That is when がる comes to your aid. Attached to an adjective, it means 'showing signs of'. While うれしい means 'happy', うれしがる will mean 'show signs of being happy'.

You can use this expression to state your thoughts that a person is happy based on physical clues, such as facial expressions, but you can also use it to state that you are not sure, something like 'this person is pretending to be...'

To use this expression with い-adjectives, simply drop the last い and add がる. Simple!

うれし + がる

Be aware that once you attach がる to an adjective, it no longer acts as an adjective, but as a verb.
It is mostly used with adjectives that will express a subjective thought or feeling. Since がる is used to describe how a person appears to be, you will most often find it in the present or past continuous form. がる acts as a godan verb.

Shaoran seems to be jealous.
Shaoran wa urayamashigatteiru.

Shaoran seemed to be jealous when I won.
Watashi ga katta toki, Shaoran wa urayamashigatteita.

がる is not only used in the present or past continuous forms however. To talk about a hypothetical situation, you will have to use it in the future form or simple present form.

If my brother moves out of the house, my mother will feel lonely.
Oniichan ga ie o detara okaasan ga sabishigaru.

While this expression is mostly used to describe how other people might feel like, you can use it to describe your own behaviour and how your behaviour affects others.

When I show that I want snacks, my little sister always shares hers with me.
Boku ga okashi o hoshigaru to, imouto wa itsumo wakete kureru.

The main focus of the sentence is your little sister and how she always shares with you. We use がる to alert your little sister your need for snacks.

You might have notice that the particle used here is を and not が. Typically, with ほしい we use が, but since there is がる we will use を. Remember that adjectives with がる act as verbs and not adjectives! This is why we use を instead.

I am jealous of Shaoran.
Boku wa Shaoran ga urayamashii.

Shaoran is jealous of me.
Shaoran wa boku o urayamashigatteiru.

がり for nouns

If we use がる in its stem form がり, we can turn adjectives into nouns, such as 'a person who show signs of'.

さびしがりひと - a lonely person (a person who shows signs of being lonely)
こわがりねこ - a cat who shows signs of being scared (a scared cat)

Since we are on the subject, there is a way to transform adjectives into nouns. Adding さ turns an adjective into a noun and gives it the nuance that the noun is objective and measurable. It can be the equivalent of 'ness' in English, like 'goodness', 'freshness', 'liveliness'...

There is a counterpart of this which is み that will turn some adjectives into nouns that is not measurable.

たかい -- たかさ
High, expensive -- height

べんりな -- べんりさ
Practical -- practicality

You can combine さ with other suffixes, like 〜たい, 〜やすい, 〜にくい, 〜らしい, 〜づらい and 〜っぽい.

つかう -- つかいやすい -- つかいやすさ
To use -- easy to use -- usability

おとこ -- おとこらしい -- おとこらしさ
Man -- manly -- masculinity

いく -- いきたい -- いきたさ
To go -- want to go -- eagerness to go

The fundamental use of 〜さ nouns is to express amounts that are objectively measurable.

Before going to the airport, I measured the weight of my luggage.
Kuukou ni iku mae ni, kaban no omosa o hakarimashita.

Check the depth of the swimming pool before you go in.
Puuru no fukasa o kakunin shite kara hairou.

You can use さ to express subjective qualities as objective truths, such as やさしい, むずかしい and おもしろい, even though these might feel subjective in nature. The add of さ creates a sense that the quality is objective or is an external truth, unlike み, which suggests a more personal, internally felt quality. We will see み below.

I can imagine the difficulty of the test.
テストのむずかしさを よそうする。
Tesuto no muzukashisa o yosou suru.

Your kindness means a lot to me.
Anata no yasashisa wa watashi ni totte taisetsuna mono desu.

さ in opposite pairs (like big and small, tall and short) tend to have opposite meaning.
For instance, おおきさ represents size, but ちいささ can only means 'smallness' and do not represent size like おおきさ does. The same applies to はやさ when we speak about speed, but おそさ can only mean 'slowness'. You have to be careful with that. 

Let's see the difference between さ and み. 

That movie is missing an element that intrigues me.
Ano eiga wa omoshiromi ni kaketeiru.

That movie is missing an interesting element (to everyone).
Ano eiga wa omoshirosa ni kaketeiru.

In the first sentence, it is clear that the missing element is something that is felt only by the speaker, whereas in the second example, this missing interesting element is felt by everyone and everyone would agree that the movie is missing something interesting.

Unlike さ, み can only be paired with limited adjectives. As mentioned, it gives more of a personal or internal feeling to things. It gives a feeling that you are treating the noun as something subjective and personal.

Take these two examples:

How sweet do you want your tea? (How do you like the tea's sweetness)
Ocha no amasa wa dou shimasu ka?

As summer turns into fall, the special quality of sweetness of these tomatoes comes through.
Natsu kara aki ni kakete, kono tomato ni wa tokubetsuna amami ga dete kuru.

In the first sentence, the sweetness of your tea is objective, because you decide how sweet you want your tea. In the second example, the sweetness of the tomato is subjective, because that sweetness could be different for somebody else.

み can also be attached to adjectives to give a metaphorical sense to things.

There is some heaviness in that movie.
Kono eiga ni wa omomi ga aru.

There is warmth in Meilin (Meilin is a warm person).
Meirin wa atatakami ga aru.

み often has a verb equivalent that ends in む.

たのしい -- たのしむ -- たのしみ
Fun -- to be fun -- enjoyment

かなしい -- かなしむ -- かなしみ
Sad -- to be sad -- sadness

いたい -- いたむ -- いたみ
Painful -- to feel pain -- pain

くるしい -- くるしむ -- くるしみ
Suffering -- to suffer -- anguish

Emotion adjectives, such as さびしい and うれしい, do not have a verb counterpart, thus they cannot get the み suffix. However, languages change over time, and young people are starting to use み for these adjectives.

Finally, み is often used with flavours. 

からみ -- spiciness
あまみ -- sweetness
すっぱみ -- sourness
しょっぱみ -- saltiness
うまみ -- flavourness

Explanatory feeling

〜んです and 〜んだ are used to add an explanatory feeling to a sentence. It provides information in order to fill in the gap of understanding.

〜んです with its variants 〜んだ, 〜のです and 〜のだ usually come at the end of a sentence. It is there to provide more information to fill in the gap, thus you will often use these to explain something or to resolve an understanding.

Let's say that someone holds Canadian-American citizenship even though their parents are both Canadian. People want to know why this person also holds American citizenship.

(It's because) I was born in the US.
(Jitsu wa) Amerika ni umaretanda.

じつは means 'the truth is'. You can still use じつは and not use 〜んだ, but it may sound less natural and might come off as a random statement. Adding 〜んだ creates a natural flow for you to complete the context by providing an explanation for why you hold American citizenship, since people are really wondering why you would hold this citizenship if your parents are both Canadian.

〜んだ and 〜んです are actually shorter versions of 〜のだ and 〜のです. It is like contractions, if you may.

You can use pretty much any form of verbs with these, present form, passive form, potential form, negative form... 

However, the command form of the volition form cannot have 〜んだ as they don't make sense in an explanation form.

X べんきょうしろんだ。

Also, it doesn't work neither with the 〜ます form.

X べんきょうしますんだ。

With い-adjectives

With い-adjectives, we only need to add 〜んだ (or its variants).

It is sad.

It isn't sad.

It was sad.

It wasn't sad.

です should never be used with this form.

X かなしいですんだ。

With nouns and な-adjectives

With nouns, you need to add な.

I am a vegetarian.
Bejitarian nanda.

With な-adjectives, they will retain their な.

It's simple.
Kantan nanda.

For the negative and the past, we only have to conjugate the verb.

I was a vegetarian.
Bejitarian dattanda.

It isn't simple.
Kantan janainda.

To explain misunderstandings

〜んだ can be expressed to resolve misunderstandings. 

Let's say that your sister accuses you to have eaten her share of pudding. You can defend yourself by using this form.

No, you're wrong, it is mum who ate it.
Chigau yo, okaasan ga tabetanda yo.

ちがう is a verb that means 'to be wrong' or 'to be different'.

For realisation

There is another context where we use this form, and it is for realisation. 〜んだ indicates that you were not previously aware of something and you suddenly realised it.

Let's say that one of your co-workers got promoted and you didn't know. You are suddenly aware of their promotion.

You got promoted. Congratulations!
Shoushin shitanda. Omedetou!

Aah, you graduated, right? Congrats.
Aa, sotsugyou shitanda ne. Omedetou.

To be more polite, you can use 〜んです. However, in certain situations, 〜んだ is better than 〜んです. This is the case for when you are talking to yourself. 〜んだ is more self-directed.

I see, so he got dumped...
Sokka, furarechattanda...

の and 〜んですか for seeking information

〜んだ can be used in a question to inquire about an information. In real-life conversations, の and んです will be the most used.

Something happened?
Nanika attandesu ka?

Nanika atta no? (more casual)

What happened?
Doushitandesu ka?

Doushita no?

〜んだ to introduce a new topic

〜んだ is also used to add something to fill in the gap, even when something was not raised in the conversation. 

Let's say that your friend arranged to meet you, but you unfortunately cannot show up today, because you caught a cold. It wasn't planned, and your friend wonders why you cannot meet with them.

Sorry, I cannot meet you today. I caught a cold.
Gomen ne, kyou wa aenai. Kaze hiichattanda yo.

I see, it's too bad. Well, rest well!
Sokka, zannen da ne. Ja, yoku yasunde ne!

The use of なんて

なんて is a word that will put stress on some words. It doesn't really have an explanatory feel, but I wasn't sure where to teach this word in my lessons. The word なんて means something like 'such as' 'things like' and could act as being more explanatory.

VERB (infinitive) + なんて
NOUN + なんて
い-ADJ + なんて
な-ADJ + なんて

Who would have thought things would turn out this way?
Konna koto ni naru nante, dare ga yosou shita deshou?

I think there is no such thing as a bomb in the building
Osoraku kono biru ni wa bakudan nante shikakeraretenai yo.

I don't have anything like secrets that cannot come out.
Kore dake wa soto ni dasenai himitsu nante mono wa nainda.

Sometimes, you will hear なんか, which can mean 'like', and it is used exactly like in English.

When I went to work, like, I saw a strange person on the way.
Shigoto ni itta toki, nanka, henna hito o mita no.

Want something to happen

We both learned how to say 'I want to do something' with 〜たい attached to verbs and how to say 'I want something' with ほしいです . In the lesson, we learned that ほしいです was only with nouns. But there is actually a form that combine ほしい with verbs. This form is used when we want someone to do something or that we wish something to happen.

We will use the 〜て form of verbs + ほしい. 

Let's say that your lover never does chores around the house and you want them to vacuum from time to time.

I want my lover to vacuum.
Soujiki o kakete hoshii.

Just like in English when you say 'I want you to do something', 〜てほしい will convey the same message. It cannot be used to make a request, since it is pretty direct, so this sentence structure can sound rude. そうじきをかけてください sounds better when requesting someone to do something.

〜てほしい can also means that you want something to happen.
Let's say you are in a class and the class is boring. You wish for it to end quick.

I want it to end quick...
Hayaku owatte hoshii.

This is different from the 〜たい pattern. Let's see the difference.

Hayaku kurasu o owaritai.

Hayaku kurasu ga owatte hoshii.

In the first sentence, there is an indication that you want to end the class. 
This is apparent because 〜たい and the particle を is used. 
In this case, you are making the action to end the class quickly.

In the second example, you want the class to end. This is apparent because of the use of 〜てほしい and the particle が. You want the class to end, not you want to end the class. See the nuance?

In the examples above, the subject or object was omitted because often in Japanese, if the context is clear, we can drop it altogether. 
In the case that the subject is not clear, you will have to add it.

In the example of そうじきをかけてほしい, if you say it to your lover's face, 'you' will be omitted, because it is clear who you want to be vacuuming more. But let's say it comes up in a conversation and you tell your friend you want your boyfriend to clean more. You will use this pattern:


I want my boyfriend to vacuum.
Kareshi ni soujiki o kakete hoshii.

In this case, the particle に acts like a pin. You pin down who you want to vacuum.

If you want to say 'I also want my boyfriend to vacuum', you can use も either alone or with に.

Kaeshi ni mo soujiki o kakete hoshii.

For non-living things, using が is more appropriate than using に.

I want snow to fall.
Yuki ga futte hoshii.

In some cases, however, に can be used if you want a specific type of snow to fall.

I want fluffy snow to fall.
Fuwafuwa no yuki ni futte hoshii.

I want this song to sell well.
このきょくに (が) うれてほしい。
Kono kyoku ni (ga) urete hoshii.

In this case, both particles could work, as it is this song in particular you want to sell well.

For the past tense, simply conjugate ほしい.

I wanted you to vacuum.
Soujiki o kakete hoshikatta desu.

For not wanting someone to do something

〜てほしくない is used to say that you don't want someone to do something.

I don't want you to say things like that.
Sou iu koto wa itte hoshikunai.

It also works for command if you use:

I want you to not say stuff like that.
Sou iu koto wa iwanaide hoshii.

For asking 'do you want me to...'

To say you want to study with someone, you would say いっしょにべんきょうしてほしい. But with a raising intonation, you can ask 'do you want me to study with you?'

Issho ni benkyou shite hoshii?

Unless you are close to the person, it is best to avoid this construction, since it can sound a bit arrogant. 

Asking for permission to do something

The causative form can be used to ask for permission to do something if you add ほしい to させて. 

I want you to let me study abroad.
Ryuugaku sasete hoshii.

I want you to let me go to the US.
Amerika ni ikasete hoshii.

Depending on the context, させてほしい could also means that you want someone to force (or allow) someone else to do something.
For instance, if you want your spouse to make sure the children are fed by 6 o'clock, you can say:

I want you to feed (the kids) by 6 o'clock.
Roku ji made ni yuugohan o tabesasetehoshii.

〜てほしがる for someone else's desires

You remember がる? It works the same here.
While 〜ほしい is used to express your own desires, adding がる will shift the focus on to someone else.

The kids always want me to play with them.
Kodomotachi, zutto asonde hoshi garunda yo.

The kid wants me to buy him candy.
Kodomo ga okashi wo katte hoshi garu.

Making more polite requests

You can actually use 〜てほしい to make requests, but we will usually make it softer by adding other elements. One of them is the 〜んだ or 〜んです to be more polite. This will give an explanation for the request. We will also add が or けど to set it in the background and adding a phrase like おねがいできる, to check if it is okay to make the request. Another way is to use かな to imply uncertainty or simply use 〜てもいい to give the chance to the person to say no.

I want you to clean your room, can you do this favour for me?
Heya o souji shite hoshiinda kedo, onegai dekiru kana?

I want you to review this document, if I can trouble you with this favour.
Kono shiryou o kakunin shite hoshiindesu ga, onegai shite mo ii desu ka?

〜てほしい is still a direct way to request things, so if you want to sound more appreciative, you can say 〜てもらいたい instead.

Kono shiryou o kakunin shitemoraitaindesu ga, onegai shite mo ii desu ka?

〜てもらいたい is actually 〜てもらう which means that you receive a favour from someone. This form is more polite than 〜てほしい, because it shows that you are aware that you are asking for a favour.

If you are talking to someone who is higher up socially, you use 〜ていただきたい. For instance, if you are talking to the president of your company:

Would it be possible for you to review these documents?
Kono shiryou o kakunin shite itadakitaindesu ga, onegai shite yoroshii deshou ka?

As you can see, sentences become longer and longer the more polite you are.

おねがいしてもいいです becomes おねがいしてもよろしいでしょう in high formal speech.

You have completed lesson 26!

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